
Since Ryan’s grandma lives right on Lake Erie we get to enjoy a view out over the water across to Canada, but the dogs are the ones who really make use of our location. Every time we open the porch door Honey is down the stone steps to the beach before the door even swings shut. They are relentless about throwing the stick in the water and pretty much refuse to leave the beach, even when their eyes grow small with tiredness. Since they love it, we took them down there nearly everyday to let them play in the water.


While staying in Hamburg we also got a tour of a nearby farm, who’s owner is a friend of the family. It was nice to see how a full scale, industrial farm operates, but this was definitely quite the opposite of what we are interested in doing. His farm was huge, with acres and acres of all varying types of vegetables, with dozens of people trolling through the rows, picking anything ripe. It was really amazing the amount of food they harvest in day. We were really grateful to have the opportunity to see such a huge operation and it always appreciated to see things from a different point of view.

Thanks to Uncle Bruce and Aunt Barb for a new item to add to our bucket list: the green flash. Yes, we learned the correct coconut point crouch in order to maximize our opportunity to observe this allusive green flash that apparently occurs on every not so often sunset. Hopefully they weren’t pulling our leg, because now I’m determined to see it.

Ryan, Barb, Nana, Bruce, Tonya

On Thursday we went into the town of Buffalo to see cousin Kelly. We walked the dogs across the street to the park and let them run around a bit before putting them in the house so we could ride our bikes around town. It was only a short ride to a few streets that created a central hub of shopping and restaurants. We stopped to eat at a corner restaurant, which was great.

We are leaving New York this morning, headed for the township of Shrewsbury in Vermont. We’re excited to see what this maple syrup farm has to offer!

In words of Barb Bauer

“Peace and organic love,”

Tonya & Ryan

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