I have learned that in quiet places, reason abounds; that in quiet people there is vision and purpose


So after all that rain the other day, the trees seemed to transform over night. Every tree now exclaims the arrival of fall with every shade of orange possible. Many leaves have fallen to the ground, but those that haven’t are quickly turning crisp yellows, oranges, and reds.

On Wednesday the weatherman said that the conditions would be just right for a frost that night. So we harvested all the squash and pumpkins to be sure that they would be safe from the cold. We laid out the pumpkins in the dining room, under the table and near the window in the sun that way they could harden off. This way, says Trish, keeps them good for a better part of the winter and can be used when wanted.

Ryan spent Wednesday and Thursday helping to harvest more firewood from the woods, cutting down carefully selected trees and hauling them to the wood splitter, to then be stacked in the woodshed at the sugarhouse for the winters to come. After spending two weeks working with and understanding the draft horse, Art even let Ryan take the reins. He also got to learn about the electric fences for the animal enclosures, helping Art to move them around, collecting chicken eggs, and feeding the horse. Sounds simple, but a lot was learned in these small tasks.

And for that Ryan and I are very grateful. We cannot begin to explain the volume of information and knowledge we have gained from working here with Art and Trish. We are very thankful to you both for allowing us the opportunity to work with you and pick your brains. Thank you for the many new skills, fantastic food, and political conversations.

Considering fall is making its grand arrival now, we are excited to start our camping tour of the New England states. Just in time to see all the beautiful colors and watch the leaves fall.

Enjoying “Autumn…the year’s last, loveliest smile.”
~William Cullen Bryant

Tonya & Ryan

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